It’s All About Communities.
Donate to Arrowsmith Search & Rescue.
How your money helps.
Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society (ASAR) welcomes and encourages gifts from individuals, groups, Service Clubs, foundations, and corporations. Any gift helps an essential service for the community, providing a donation will help the ASAR continue into the future. ASAR is a non-profit society who provides a vital lifeline to the lost and injured in urban and wilderness areas of mid-Vancouver Island. We provide ground search and rescue services, including ground search; human and dog tracking; rope, swift water and ATV rescue; first aid; and mutual aid to communities across the province.
- Prevention of Loss of Life: ASAR’s professionally trained and equipped volunteers increase the chances of a subject being found alive in the crucial first few hours or days.
- Mitigation of Injuries: The earlier someone is found, the less severe the injuries are likely to be. Serious injuries put a drain on health care resources and cause economic hardship.
- Reduced Cost to Taxpayer: Volunteer searchers do work that would otherwise have to be done by public servants or private companies.
Donation Policy.
Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society (ASAR) welcomes and encourages gifts from individuals, groups, foundations, and corporations. Any gift helps an essential service for the community, providing a donation will help ASAR continue into the future.
While we appreciate the kind intention, individual Members cannot accept gifts from the public as a result of performing volunteer services with Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society. Those wishing to recognize individual ASAR member rescue efforts are asked to consider contributing a donation to the organization as a whole.
Legal Name
ASAR is a charity registered under our legal name: Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society. Our Canadian charitable registration number is 893193979 RR 0001.
For income tax purposes, a gift or donation is defined as a voluntary transfer of property to the Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society made without the expectation of any benefit to the donor.
Gift Eligibility
The following gifts are deemed eligible for acceptance by ASAR:
- Outright gifts of cash, cheques and cash equivalents;
- Cryptocurrencies;
- Property of significant value, such as real estate or securities;
- Planned gifts, such as willed donations, bequests, life insurance policies, gifts of residual interest and annuities; and
- Other in-kind gifts or services (Refer to Official Tax Receipts for more information on eligibility for tax purposes).
In the case of publicly traded securities, open-source cryptocurrencies and gifts of property, ASAR’s practice is to sell immediately upon receipt and convert to cash. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the fair market value at the date of transfer.
Donations In Kind, including Clothing, Gear, Equipment or Vehicles
As an alternative to cash donations, many donors may wish to donate in kind goods or services. ASAR welcomes contributions of new gear, equipment or vehicles.
Due to liability concerns and to ensure the safety of its members and rescue missions, ASAR may not be able to accept donations of used gear or equipment. For those interested in donating goods or services, please contact us at (250) 752-7774 or to discuss our current and specific gear and equipment needs.
Purchase-Triggered Donations (PTD) and Cause Related Marketing
Some businesses may wish to donate to ASAR through purchase-triggered donations (PTD) and/or cause related marketing. Cause related marketing occurs when a business offers its items or services on the premise that some or all of the revenues generated will be donated to a registered charity. The business partners with a charity (ASAR) to donate the whole or a portion of their profits made when customers purchase their goods or services. While the consumer triggers the charitable donation through his or her purchase, the business administers the purchase offer, the purchase financial transaction, the minimum or maximum donation limit, and the actual donation to the charity. As such, the business receives the tax benefits from this type of charitable donation.
ASAR appreciates the interest of all who wish to organize cause-related marketing promotions to support our mission. However, these promotions must be pre-approved by the ASAR Board of Directors as there may be issues related to the promotion’s scope, timing, procedures, and anticipated returns that are in conflict with existing cause-related marketing or ASAR’s gift acceptance policy.
Approval of cause-related marketing promotions is at the sole discretion of the ASAR Board of Directors. Please complete and submit ASAR’s Cause-Related Marketing Proposal and Agreement (Appendix A) to initiate our review process.
Donations and Gifts by ASAR Members
ASAR thanks its members for their tireless work and dedication to our mission. Some members may also wish to make financial donations. These members are encouraged to discuss matching gift programs with their employers as some businesses or corporations may match, double or triple individual employee charitable donations or may, alternatively, provide grants to ASAR based on the member’s volunteer hours.
As a specific type of financial donation, a member may wish to gift their ASAR related expense reimbursement back to the Society. This is appreciated and can be done in two ways:
- The member can provide the following direction to ASAR (with or without the specific dollar amount specified):
I, , direct that the funds to which I am entitled by way of reimbursement for expenses and would otherwise be forwarded to me by cash or cheque, be transferred to ASAR as my gift.
ASAR will provide a tax receipt for that amount. - (2)ASAR will issue a cheque to the member covering the eligible expenses and the member is then asked to write a cheque to ASAR for the equivalent or lesser amount. ASAR will issue a tax receipt to the member for that amount.
Gifts to Members
As a charitable organization, ASAR is not able to provide gifts to members in recognition or reward for their volunteer efforts
The few exceptions to this policy include:
- Special occasion gifts with a low fair market value (e.g.: flowers, fruit, ornament, mug). Cash or gift card equivalents are not permitted as member gifts.
- Long service gifts where the value does not exceed $250 once every 5 years.
- Hosted staff and guest social events where event expenses do not exceed $25 per person.
- Meeting or event refreshments.
All member gift expenditures must be reviewed and pre-approved by the ASAR Board of Directors. Note that a member may receive clothing, equipment or gear needed to perform duties related to ASAR’s mission. These items are considered to be on loan to the member and must be returned upon the member’s resignation from ASAR.
ASAR members may not solicit or accept alcohol, money, gift certificates, or gift cards from the public as a result of performing volunteer services with Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society. ASAR members may accept non-cash gifts of nominal value but are encouraged to consider declining these offers and suggest, instead, that a donation be made to ASAR. If there is any doubt about the appropriateness of accepting a gift, the member is asked to contact us at
ASAR’s Gifts to Members policy does not apply to gifts given to members as private citizens that are separate and apart from that individual’s involvement in ASAR. Tax receipts cannot be issued for these gifts.
Donations from Personal Fundraising
Supporters of ASAR may want to fundraise on our behalf by creating online campaigns on Facebook or GoFundMe. Common campaigns include:
- Pledge Your Birthday & other special occasions
- Personal challenges
ASAR appreciates and welcomes those interested in fundraising on our behalf, and strongly recommend using well established, reputable online platforms, such as CanadaHelps and PayPal Giving Fund (used by both Facebook or GoFundMe).
Those platforms will ensure individual donors receive official tax receipts and that the funds generated will be deposited directly to ASAR.
ASAR is not able to pass the authority for issuing tax receipts to individual campaign organizers. If the platform or method of fundraising used does NOT issue official tax receipts on behalf of ASAR, any donations made during the campaign should be by cheque or eTransfer (and donation forms need to be completed so ASAR can issue a tax receipt).
Since personal fundraising campaigns identify ASAR as the beneficiary, they must be pre-approved by the ASAR Board of Directors as there may be issues related to the campaign’s scope, timing, procedures, and anticipated returns that are in conflict with existing fundraising activities or ASAR’s gift acceptance policy.
Approval of personal fundraising on behalf of ASAR is at the sole discretion of the ASAR Board of Directors.
Please complete and submit ASAR’s Personal Fundraising Proposal and Agreement to initiate our review process.
Donation (Gift) Acceptance
Gifts shall support ASAR’s mission, vision and values.
ASAR shall not accept gifts from groups or organizations that:
- Encroach on the organization’s integrity;
- Restrict its liberty of action;
- Cause damage to its reputation;
- Place additional costs or burdens on the organization; or
- Expose it to uncertain risk or possible liability.
Gifts of property should be evaluated prior to donation; minimum values may apply.
ASAR may hold onto gifts in kind that are deemed to be of immediate or future use to the organization. ASAR recognizes that donors may occasionally wish to give property that is not readily marketable. ASAR will evaluate such gifts to determine whether there are costs or risks associated with acceptance.
ASAR reserves the right to use the donation in the best interest of the Society, and shall make decisions regarding the investment, disposition and/or eventual disposal of all donations.
Donations become the exclusive property of the ASAR and must be of a clear and unencumbered nature.
ASAR may accept conditions on the disposition of donations where it deems the proposed conditions to be reasonable and feasible.
Authority to accept or decline any gift rests with the Board of Directors.
Official Tax Receipts
Official tax receipts will be issued for monetary donations in the amount of $25 or more in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations.
For in-kind donations, official receipts will be issued on request, provided the value of the donation exceeds $25 and the donor provides an appraisal of the donation’s worth to be verified by the Society.
Canada Revenue Agency disallows donations of services for charitable donation tax receipts. Contributions of services (including Gift Certificates) are not property and do not qualify as gifts.
The business can bill ASAR for the service and receive payment (if approved within the budget of the Event), at which time the business can donate back the amount received for the service. The business (donor) must account for the services as business income.
ASAR follows CRA guidance on provision of tax receipts for cause-related marketing. As the for-profit partner receives a taxable benefit from their promotion, a tax receipt can only be issued if ASAR is able to calculate the value of the profit advantage gained as a result of the promotion. The value of the advantage is generally subtracted from the amount of the donation to calculate the eligible amount of the gift for tax receipt purposes. If the advantage can not be easily calculated, ASAR may issue an acknowledgement letter to the business who can then claim this as an expense to be deducted from its revenues.
If a business sponsors a fundraising event, under the CRA rules, ASAR cannot issue an official charitable donation tax receipt, because the sponsor is receiving a significant promotional benefit. ASAR will provide a letter of acknowledgment as a receipt for the sponsorship.
Donor Records
ASAR shall maintain donor records, the contents of which shall remain confidential unless the donor agrees otherwise.
Donor Recognition
ASAR will always ask for permission before publicly recognizing a donation.
Donor Rights
ASAR endorses “The Donor Bill of Rights” which was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute. Refer to Appendix A.
Transparency and Reporting
ASAR will conduct itself in accordance with all Canada Revenue Agency regulations.
Gifts shall be accounted for in a manner that allows donors and the public to develop a fair picture of how ASAR conducts its activities.
ASAR will respect donors’ wishes for anonymity and consult with donors to obtain their permission before public disclosure of their giving.
ASAR urges prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisers in matters relating to their gifts and the resulting tax and estate-planning consequences.
Corporate Partnerships
All potential partnerships are evaluated by the Board of Directors based on fit with organizational values, and brand.
Naming Opportunities
Authority to accept or decline any proposal to apply a donor’s name to a program within ASAR (on a temporary or permanent basis) rests with the Board of Directors. The Board also retains authority to revoke existing naming commitments any point if deemed necessary.
Conflict of Interest
To avoid potential conflicts of interest, or the impression of such, Board members who own, directly or indirectly (e.g.: through family members, trusts, etc.) ten or more percent interest in a business or corporation, shall recuse themselves from the decision to accept a gift from that business or corporation.
The Donor Bill of Rights.
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
1.To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
2.To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
3.To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
4.To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
5.To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
6.To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
7.To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
8.To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
9.To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
10.To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
Tax Credit Information.
Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society is a registered charitable organization (#893193979 RR 0001 ) and issues charitable tax receipts within six weeks of receiving eligible donations. To receive a charitable tax receipt, donations must be received (or post-marked before) December 31. For more information on tax receipts and donations, please visit our FAQ’s about Donations or visit the Canada Revenue Agency ( Thank you for your support! Giving Costs Less than You Think The federal and provincial governments provide generous tax incentives to encourage individuals to support organizations like Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society, but most donors underestimate the true value of these savings. This is partly attributable to the fact that federal and provincial tax credits are calculated separately and not shown as one total amount on an individual’s tax return. This is why we think it would be helpful to explain the mechanics of the charitable donation tax credit. In B.C. the charitable donation tax credits are calculated as follows:
- For the first $200 of donations being claimed by a B.C. tax payer, the combined federal and provincial tax credits total 20.06% (15% federal and 5.06% provincial);
- Any donations exceeding the first $200 on the tax return receive combined federal and provincial tax credits totalling 43.7% (29% federal and 14.7% provincial);
- Tax credits can be used to reduce the amount of tax the donor owes for the year; and,
- The total amount of charitable donations claimed for the calendar year cannot exceed 75% of the net income of the tax payer. If your donations exceed this 75% limit, you can claim the remaining donations on the tax returns during any of the next five years.